Sunday 23 July 2017

Shocking! How Blood-thirsty Killers Strangled Benue Teacher in the Presence of His 4 Wives, 20 Children

Shocking! How Blood-thirsty Killers Strangled Benue Teacher in the Presence of His 4 Wives, 20 Children

Residents of a community in Benue State have been left in shock over the brutal murder of a primary school teacher in front of his wives and children.

Ambrose Abah's 3 wives

It was a dream he had hoped to actualise seamlessly, and on this cold Wednesday evening of May 17, 2017, he sauntered onto a couch in his living room after savouring a delicious meal prepared by one of his wives for dinner.

For Ambrose Abah, a 57-year-old teacher at the LEA Primary School, Aiko, Okpokwu Local Government Area of Benue State, it was a hectic day at work and he desired some rest.

 But thoughts of the contest for the vacant stool of Oche Boka, clan head of his district for which he was an aspirant, roamed in his mental landscape.

Time was about 9pm, and the atmosphere at Aiko-Okonobo, his village, was serene.

Then, he was jolted out of his reverie by a deafening bang that shattered his door. A few minutes later, he was gone; gruesomely strangled to death by a gang of blood-thirsty men from the pit of hell.

His assailants were on a mission to kill, as they wasted no time bounding his arms and limbs before strangling him with a rope, soon after they gained access to their target.

 And as they watched him die slowly, terrified members of his household, including his over 20 children and four wives were all holed up in their bedrooms, consumed in grieve as his shrill cry for help faded.

When they eventually came out to behold the lifeless body of their breadwinner after the harbingers of death had vanished under the cover of darkness, damaged items littered the scene, an indication that he succumbed after putting up a fight in which he was overpowered.

But the assailants did not leave without extending a measure of terror to members of his household, who they mercilessly brutalized and robbed of cash as well as valuables, in a bid to conceal their motive, according to witness accounts of the incident.

“We were in our bedrooms when they came; they forced their way in, beat us mercilessly, and then locked us up. When they left and we got to where our husband laid, we found him strangled.

If not the contest for Aiko-Okonobo chieftaincy stool, my husband had no quarrel with anybody”, lamented Justina, the late Ambrose’s second wife.

They took my N40, 000, proceeds from the sale of garri, which I had saved over time,” Paulina, his eldest wife added.

When it was safe at dawn, the deceased’s second son, Christian, reported the incident at the Ugbokolo divisional police headquarters, after which his corpse was evacuated to Anphan Hospital, Effoyo, Okpokwu local council, where it was deposited at the morgue.

Three weeks after he was brutally murdered, precisely on June 8, his remains were interred at his residence at Aiko, amid tears and wailing.

 It was an agonizing moment for his wives and children who were helpless as he died painfully, and prayed the long arms of the law will catch up with the perpetrators in no distant time.  

Homicide detectives at the Criminal Investigation Department of the Benue State police command had zeroed in on a few suspects said to be standing trial at a chief magistrate court in Makurdi, the state capital, on charges of culpable homicide.

Who murdered Ambrose and for what motive? That is a pregnant question buried in the womb of time, as the search for his killers continues.

source:tori news
Credit: The Sun News


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