Tuesday 9 May 2017

SAD: Lawmaker Who Allegedly Staged His Own Kidnap Has Been Arrested

SAD: Lawmaker Who Allegedly Staged His Own Kidnap Has Been Arrested

A Malawian lawmaker who wanted to play smart by deceiving security agents after allegedly faking his own kidnap has been arrested.

Malawi Police has threatened to take to court outspoken Rumphi East Member of Parliament (MP) Kamlepo Kalua  and prosecute him on what the law enforcers claim he faked his kidnap, Nyasa Times revealed.

It is alleged that the lawmaker staged his own kidnap after getting into trouble with public tax collector Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) and Malawi Police Service (MPS). The two State agencies raided his houses in Blantyre and seized three vehicles for allegedly evading tax.

High Court Judge Rowland Mbvundula gave Kalua a temporal relief from an imminent arrest in connection to the alleged tax evasion issue and further ordered the MRA and the police to release  Kalua’s two vehicles- a Mercedes Benz and a grounded Jeep Grand Cherokee—and a Toyota V8 belonging to his son Penjani on allegations they were smuggled.

When Parliament opened for budget session last Friday, Kalua was still “missing”. But on Sunday morning Kalua had been “found”  in Blantyre and claimed he had been dumped by what he suspected were regime abductors .

He was found tied with blue ropes on both his hands and legs but clean shaved and smartly dressed. National Police spokesperson James Kadadzera said  the vocal parliamentarian “faked the kidnap”.

Said Kadadzera: “Someone who is abducted for one week cannot dress as smart as he was at the time he was found. He could have time to shave his beads and put on clean clothes and shoes.”

Police spokesman also trashed Kalua’s claimed that he was tortured, saying the legislator “has no marks to substantiate to torture.” He said Police are investigating the matter .

But  Kalua’s family spokesman John Mapunda said Police is peddling cheap propaganda from the ruling  Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), saying fearless politician cannot fake an abduction.

“What should he stage abduction for.  Malawians should disregard cheap political propaganda,” Mapunda said.

He said the abductors staged his release to that he would look like he faked his kidnap, hence damage his credibility.

“Kamlepo cannot stoop so low to fake his abduction,” said Mapunda.

Kalua was taken to hospital for medical check-up as he was in psychological shock and  had lost memory.

source:tori news


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