In an interview with Media Room Hub, Kemen who on Sunday 5, 2017, was disqualified from the Big Brother Naija reality show for touching Tboss without her content, claimed that TBoss withheld the truth about the events that happened on Saturday. ‘
When asked if he thought TBoss should have defended him during his diary session, Kemen said,
“if she had the opportunity to say the truth and to defend me, she would have.”
According to him, while TBoss isn’t a bad person, she probably withheld the truth for the sake of the game.
Kemen said;
“I think that if she had the opportunity to embrace the truth, she would have,”
“I think if she was given the option, I think she would have taken the option. I know TBoss is not a bad person, but just like every other person, we can do bad stuffs, maybe just for the sake of the game.”
“But, I know that if she had the opportunity to say the truth and to defend me, she would have.”
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