The first day I stopped bye the place he is selling car, I bumped in on him with a woman sitting on his laps. He later apologized. He asked why didn't I call him before coming, I said because my battery was down. During our courtship he cheats but promised me to be decent when we marry, never knew it will get worse. The second time I caught him at our car garage where he was having sex with my nanny when I was sleeping one Saturday afternoon, the children went for holiday to my parent inlaw place .
I sent the last nanny away, honestly I have endured . He barely talk, all he does is still silently work away , hardly says sorry. He has this habit of leaving the house for a hotel, stays there with his friends for days and I stay home with the children.
I am not the talking type, but this his attitude has turned me into a naggy woman. My children are 4 (2 boys 2 girls ). Since two weeks he came into Nigeria, he has spent just 4 days with us and the rest in a hotel. Help me , what can I do? I am 41years and he is 52 years. He is a widower before with a daughter before we got married.
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