Monday, 6 February 2017

Please I need your advice

Admin, how can I sort myself out in this situation I find myself in. My marriage is 12 years. My husband when we got married, he had nothing. I was the person taking care of him and his parents. He is the only son with 4 girls. He is a graduate but a painter , he had a serious leg problem but I thank God today, the traditional medicine man did a good job and got him back to his feet. Even when he was painting, the money wasn't much because he was feeding his mother and training his sisters. His father is late. So sometimes , he gives me 1k or highest 1.5k for the week. Sometimes in a month, if he doesn't see any job, he stays home and eats from my saloon business.

My salon is just a container as of then, so sometimes I just wash ordinary hair and no other customers. We drank alot of garri and groundnut. Sometimes when his mothers asthmatic illness starts , we don't rest, running helter skelter, borrowing money . I saw hell,upon all my efforts, my husband will still see reasons to call me names and say all I do is to sleep when I get to shop and he has forgotten that I am pregnant and needs rest and all that, I lost 2 pregnancies because of stress, but when I decide to rest, everything is kept at a hold. My husband is one person that when I am not working, he feels disturbed, that is why I want to be always at work. I have 2 boys for him and to the worst part of it is that, my husband have brought his two sisters to stay with us. I can't feed them honestly . The other two are married, one is a widow now, and the other lives in bayelsa seeing food stuff. This his youngest sisters that he brought ( 27 years and 29 years) They all go out for work, come back , use the water my children fetched for me and bath, leaving my rubber empty, eat my food and leave my pot empty . The mother called me a big witch because I told her to take the girls with her back to the village that I will be sending her little money when we have it. My husband has practically abandoned painting, saying he is learning plumbing work.

Since 12years of marriage, I have not sent a kobo to my family and my mother feels I don't care . My husband even with my hard work feels I should do more for his family, my senior brother gave me money for my shop last year February and I cant say how the 300,000 went, my brother squeezed out that money from his driving job . Just last month, one of my husband sisters came home with a man, they were in my sitting room, laughing and touching each other, In front of my children, when I came back and saw it, I called her, when her visitor left, telling her that, this is just two Rooms and she should not behave in this manner, she took it as insult and when my husband came back, she told him, before I could speak, he has slapped me, saying I should stay away from his siblings, that if I want to live in peace with him.

Since after this incident, my respect for him disappeared, I now feel as if I am in a cage, don't know how to start . His mother doesn't eat my food, saying her sons bad luck was brought by me. I feel sick, want to run away,I feel as if I should die and let him be,so he can see how important I was to be feeding him and everyone. I am looking so skinny, can't even wear good clothes,I am helpless. What should I do? He is 47 years and I am 41 years .

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