We end up bombing our own National resources, diminishing the pride of Nigeria. We kill our own innocent compatriots just for selfish motive. The Muslims feel the only way to be the majority is to kill Christians, which is destroying the Nation, and the Christians feel the only way they have to be known is to criticize the Muslims, thus destroying ourselves.
In some states in America, and other European countries, the white police are maltreating and killing the blacks just for a little offence of the law, instead of the blacks strategizing on how to invest in themselves in order to give the black race a meaning and values for the white race to envy and respect them, rather we are here pursing our selfish desire, destroying the unity in oneness. We are here blaming the president instead of praying for him. Who say President Buhari is not working? He has being building the federal roads, commissioning trail rail-ways and boosting the agricultural aspect of the country internal revenue. Instead of encouraging him to do more we are criticizing him. The problem is you, instead of taking your obligation as a Nigerian serious, you are looking for whom to blame for your failure.
People are saying Niger Delta is polluted, there is no were to fish, there is no were to farm. Is there no governor in Niger Delta, are there no senators in Niger Delta, and are there no ministers in Niger Delta? Why is the Avengers and militant not asking them for the allocation sent to them from the federal government? Rather, they prefer to create dreadful association to cause menace in order to steal and kill openly. Are there no state’s fund, are there no allocation sent to the state governor? Why is the militants coming out, why are the Avengers destroying properties – is it the Avengers the governor, or the Militants the senators ruling the states?
Those Muslims that feel the Christians are their problem, they went about killing the Christians – they are the problem of Nigeria. They have to check their Koran closely, does it say, if you see Christians you should hate and kill them? And also Christians, you that feel the Muslims are your problem, you went about criticizing them – you are the problem of Nigeria. And those that embezzled Nigeria’s fund, which is meant for infrastructures, they then used it for their personal consumption – you are the problem of Nigeria.
Please don’t be moved by your emotion, don’t let your emotion cloud your judgment. Don’t let killing be your life-style. A true Christian, a true Muslim will say, this a perilous time. People killing themselves and they don’t know why, people destroying properties and they don’t know why, brothers coming against themselves and they don’t know why, Nation fighting Nation and they don’t know why; it is a perilous time. Common sense should tell us, at perilous time, we need to be very careful and very calculative in taking action so as not hurt ourselves.
Even if Biafra should be created as a country, this is not how to go about it. Moreover not all Igbos are clamoring for Biafra. The educated ones will not want to leave their business and join some miscreants who do not know how to form a constitution, people that do not know their obligational duties to their country, people who are only been tossed by power and allowing the guns and rocket launchers to control them, instead of them controlling the rocket launchers and the bombs. Who will want to be in party with such people? Let be smart, it is a common sense!
If a certain allocation is meant for a state, and that state is misusing it, the people need to probe the state’s administrators (Governor, senators, ministers, etc) and hold them reliable for misappropriation, not the President. If you want to take mob, take mob on the culprits, not the President. People that hate the president do so because their unscrupulous means of making money is been debarred. So they fight, curse and create rancor; don’t answer them – they are the problem of Nigeria.
As wise Nigerians, rational Nigerians, compatriotic Nigerians, let foster our intelligence, strengths and patriotism to make Nigeria like the Great Britain, great America and great Japan. As we think for what we will do for our Nation, God will help us all – One Love!
– Michael Oche
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