Wednesday 3 August 2016



We really felt for her. I couldn’t remember all that she said, but the way she uses the word ‘ I hate you’ …. frightens me. It’s supposed to be a bet but it turns out to an emotional wreck for both of us. I now regret taking the bet with my brother.

Brother Segun: (coughing) Femi… I know how it feels with you right now. but there’s no easy way to breakups. I have been there. Girls had said more horrible things to me during breakups. You just have to live with it. I think you should just forget about the bet for now. Concentrate about other things. She will be fine. Time will definitely heal her heart. It’s well…… Henhen… before I forget what did she said Fatimo told her about me?
Me: (low voice) she said that your friendship with Fatimo was not a pleasant one and that you are too into girls.
Brother Segun: (smiling) ooh… it’s okay. it’s better to be the player than being the one played. It’s still new to you: someday you will understand what I mean.
Me: I hope so bros.. do you still have Fatimo’s number? Maybe I could give her call, so she could beg Ruka on my behalf.
Brother Segun: I don’t keep people’s number that long on my phone. I have deleted it. Besides I don’t think it’s the right time for you to call Fatimo…. only time will redefine your friendship: that’s if you still want her.

He really gave me some pep talk; even though some of it was that of a pervert. He really put a smile on my face. We joked about the whole issue before he later left for his room.
It is now very late and I’m lonely in my misery. I’m not feeling sleepy at all. I needed to talk to someone. My spirit is very low. I dare not call Ruka: she is the reason my spirit is low. I picked up my phone and I dialled Adedoyin’s number. She picked on the first beep.

Adedoyin: I was not expecting your call but I’m glad that you called. How are you doing?
Me: I’m okay… just that I slept early and I couldn’t get myself back to sleep.. hope I dint disturb your sleep also?
Adedoyin: (smiling) no oooo… I have been watching some Nigeria movies on Africa magic, it’s been long I had time to watch TV. All thanks to you anyway.
Me: (smiling) how do you mean?
Adedoyin: don’t bother yourself…. Sarah told me that you promised to come around tomorrow.
Me: yes….. but it would be in the afternoon…. anytime from 1pm… but I would make a call in the morning to confirm the actual time.
Adedoyin: (okay) no worries dear! I don’t know why I love you so much….. it just seems I have not fallen in love with someone before. When Sarah told me about you, I thought she exaggerated everything. But now I can see things clearly for myself. I wish you could come along with us to Abuja.
Me: (smiling) I’m glad that I dint disappoints you nor Sarah. In all fairness, you are cute. I mean very cute. You being in my life right now, is beyond my widest dream. I think I love you too…. when someone is always in your thoughts, it’s either for the right/wrong reasons. you are there for the right reasons: which makes me know that I love you too. As for the Abuja….. you know that I would love to but you already know that I can’t. I just can’t. My parents are the main reason.
Adedoyin: (cuts me off) I know…. I’m just saying. please try to come early. I will be expecting you by 1pm.
Me: (giggles) I said anytime from 1pm… but don’t worry, I will make the 1pm. I just can’t wait to kiss off your lipstick from your lips.

We talked like teenagers in love; laughed loudly and kept saying “I love you” at the end of each topic. She just kept drumming it into my ear that I should try to come early. I ended the call with a big smile on my face. She really gave me a lift.
It’s now some minutes after 11pm. Still not feeling sleepy but my spirit is elated now. I tried not to think about Ruka’s issue but it just kept flooding back. I just have to think about something else. That was when Ronke’s thought flashed on my mind. I started fantasising it in my mind. Ronke is a very big lady. She has the widest hip and biggest thighs. I smiled as I thought how I would raise those thighs and rests it on my shoulder as I work on her. It’s just impossible. I kept daydreaming about Ronke that I slept off.

To Be Continued…


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