Nigeria’s popular blogger, Linda Ikeji has shared throw back pictures of hers; when she was a model and how she closed down her office because she couldn’t afford to pay office rent anymore.
Her new multimillion naira media office comprises a staff cafeteria, a reception and so many other exquisite features.
Ha! I remember. The year I launched my first company. Blackdove models and events management. August 2004…fresh out of University with only a dream and a determination to succeed.
Inside my office about 10 years ago. Struggling 25 year old entrepreneur. I never stopped believing. Never stopped working. Never thought about giving up. It was tough but I knew I’d get there one day if I kept going. So I never stopped. You will achieve… When you believe! #TrustGod. Hegatyou!
6 years ago, I shut down my office, packed my stuff and went home because I could no longer afford rent. Look at me now. #Newoffice + #Mypersonallounge. #Grateful. #LindaIkejiTV. #LindaIkejiRadio. #LindaIkejiMusic. #LIS. #LIB
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