American singer,Alicia Keys in an interview with Allure, explained her take on gender roles and the societal norms.
“I am so sick of the way women are forced to feel inadequate in many different circumstances or forced to feel insecure by the way we we’re portrayed or the way we look,’ she said.
She continued discussing the problems with society and how we force gender roles on children. As a mother with two sons and a husband, she touched on the skewed beliefs about the behavior and emotions of men.
“I am so annoyed at the way we force boys to be fake strong – don’t cry, don’t be soft. Let a boy be able to dance!”
Keys said.
“Let a boy paint his nails. So a boy wants to paint his nails. Who cares! All these strange, oppressive ideas.
You know what would be really cool? If we stopped offering our opinions unless asked,”
she continued.
“If nobody asked you, keep your mouth shut! Like with the Internet? That’s just too much opinion. People are mean. It’s a sickness.”
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