Friday 9 December 2016

Must Read 18 Simple Steps on How To Become a Very Popular / Famous Nigerian Musician / Artist

The Formula to Become Famous
“Studying the people who have got rich, we find that they are an average lot in all respects, having no greater talents and abilities than other men. It is evident that they do not get rich because they possess talents and abilities that other men have not, but because they happen to do things in a Certain Way.”

Wallace D. Wattles – The Science of Getting Rich

Determination and Persistence — Yeah that’s what this post boils down to

Now for the 18 Steps on How To Become a Popular / Famous Nigerian Musician / Artist :

1. Know yourself, Your type of music and the best in your line: yes you have to know who you are, why you sing that type of music, and how good you for you to know where you are going. Buh that’s not, you must also know who are the best in that music line, who are your role models, why you chose them as your role model plus you must be working to surpass them all

2. Fine tune Your Skills as much as possible and all the time

3. Don’t Be Afraid or Shy: Infact you have to reduce your shy or fearful mode { Pls. Note- you don’t have to use drugs or alcohol to perform better take a cue from Tekno Miles}

4. Save and reinvest: the money you make from your music, save and reinvest it in your career

6. Get Quality Feed Back: you are just building your skills and talents, get sincere feed back on your music / songs and build on it.

7. Criticism: Learn how to handle criticism. As a musician / artist, you can’t escape it buh you can grow and be better from it

8. Be Creative: Don’t follow the crowd, be creative, do things differently if not better, be creative with your style of dressing, your style of music and approach e.g A good example is Adekunle Gold with his photoshop stunts before he became popular, people got to him through it

9. Go to events for free: More people will get to know you and you will have free publicity

10. Apply for music competition: that’s one of the ways to get good publicity for your hardwork

11. Be At The right place at the right time : Ask yourselves, where is the best place for you to be to have a better shot at becoming successful in the Nigerian music industry or the African music scene.

12. Jump On Trends: Trends come and go buh the smart artist that are able to make utmost use of them, either smiles to the bank of to the moving up of their career ladder. e.g Lil kesh on Shoki dance, mc galaxy with sekem.

13. Still on trends: sing motivational songs during time of disaster and dedicate it to the disaster survivals, sing songs during time of joy and triumph probably the Nigerian sport team wins a top medal at a competition, use it as a stepping point to your fame and stardom.

14. Network and Make The Right Friends: The right connections will get you to the top faster, so becareful of making enemies along the way

15. Be very careful of scammers: As you go along, people will notice how hardworking you are and it may make you a target to scammers. Scammers may come thinking you are gullible and promise you overnight success… Beware

16. Be careful of your first contract: don’t sign prison contract, so please take your time and get experience hands before signing any contract so that you won’t latter bite your fingers when you are suppose to be smiling.

17. Have an Online Presence :

Create a YouTube channel, and promote your best songs

Create a blog / website for your musical career

Have a facebook fanpage, twitter handle, and instagram accoun

18. Make friends with music bloggers , trust me their power and influence keeps on growing

On a lighter note, if all the above 18 steps does not work try this:

1. Do something incredibly stupid and obnoxious to attract attention to yourself : try and think outside the box

2. Be sure to make video record your act of stupidity and publish it on YouTube.

Don’t worry you will get over the criticism, just make sure you use the attention.


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