Wednesday 9 November 2016

Must Read : 6 ways Trump’s presidency will affect Nigerians living in Us

At the start of the United States election when it was clear that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had secured their parties’ nomination. It was clear from the beginning that many Nigerians both at home and Diaspora had favoured a Clinton win. Nigerians have always leaned toward Democratic Party.

They rooted for Clinton both on the streets and on social media. This was also the case in 2008 when Nigerians supported Barrack Obama for as the first African American President.

It was thus a disappointment for many when Donald Trump was announced as the 45th president of the United States of America on Tuesday November 9, 2016. Now that Trump has won, what are the implications for Nigerians especially those in the US? Clinton to them represents continuity while Trump is dramatic change.

Here are 6 ways Trump’s presidency will affect Nigerians  abroad.

1. They believe US will turn to a racial country


 Trump has called for racial profiling, especially Muslims. He threatened to bar their entry into USA. This is given the rhetoric by Trump during his campaign that he will deport immigrants from the US. A majority of Nigerians are also Muslims, a group Trump wants to bar from the United States. Again in his speech as the president elect he said “I am the president of all Americans. Regardless of who voted and who did not.”


2. Stricter immigration policies


“If I become president, we will send them all home. We will build a wall at the Atlantic shore.” If you are a Nigerian and you are planning illegal migration to the United State, you had better stay calm. This is a new administration and you won’t want to joke with Americans.

3. His opposition of Muslims


His concerns about the activities of those that seek to establish a new world caliphate where sharia law is applied to all and where Christians and non-Sunni Muslims are slaughtered and killed, would have none of that. This is good news because terrorist like Boko Haram sect will meet their Waterloo.

4. No Gay marriage


Donald Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. Trump said his first priority if elected would be to “Preserve and protect our religious liberty. We’re going to protect the first amendment.” He said: “I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.” For Nigerians living in US there is an assurance that gay marriage won’t be a legal practice for Africans especially Nigerians. Unlike the Obama administration that welcomes the legal practice of homosexuality.


5. Fear of Deportation


According to 2006 American Community Survey, Nigeria has the greatest number of its people in America. There were about 266,000 US residents claiming Nigerian heritage. Nigerians are the single largest contemporary African immigrant group in the United States. They feared that a Trump win would mean mass deportation.


6. He believes America First (Favouritism)

America First

Trump confirmed in his speech on foreign policy to the  center for the national interest in Washington, DC, on April 27 that “America First” And this would be the overriding theme of his administration. He would reject multilateral trade deals and institutions, take a much tougher line on illegal immigration, and forge a new approach to defense and security alliances.



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