Disturbing photos show the horrific injuries suffered by a young mum “almost beaten to death” after refusing to have s*x with her “monster” boyfriend.
Her name is Steph Louise, she suffered severe bruising, three cracked teeth, and a broken jaw after her boyfriend, Wayne Hoban, strangled her and repeatedly thumped her in the face.
Steph, a single mother from Leeds, has shared photos of her with cracked teeth and a bloodied face as she recovered in hospital.
She was knocked unconscious by serious blows and smacked “40 or 50 times”.
Steph shared images of her injuries after Hoban was sentenced to 16 months in jail for the attack. He was charged with grievous bodily harm but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful wounding at Leeds crown court.
Recalling her near-death experience, Steph said:
“Seconds later he was ragging the whole quilt off of me and throwing it onto the floor, gripping me by my ankle and pulling me off the bed.
“He threw me onto the floor he then sat on top of me and strangled me to the floor so I couldn’t move, continuously punching me 40 or 50 times.”
She added: ‘He repeatedly punched the left side of my face, breaking my jaw and knocking out three teeth and also chipped my front top tooth. He knocked me unconscious and continued to beat me.”
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