As we were eating and catching fun at the same time. There’s another girl at another table with her guy.
She kept staring at me and giving me signs that she wants to talk with me but I know that’s not possible.
I tried to concentrate more on the Adeboye’s but the seating arrangement did not helped. I was directly facing the girl while Bidemi&Kikelomo were backing her.
The guy she came with was busy devouring his meal like a prisoner just released from kirikiri (mumu/maga). He was not even aware of what was going on. The staring went on for a while.
I ignored her but as I was about to take selfie with my girls; the girl approached our table.
The girl: good afternoon guys
Us: good afternoon
The girl: I have been watching you guys since morning and I know that you all know how to catch fun.
I immediately looked at her table.. the guy was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went to the gent (I smell trouble).
Me: Yes… my friends second name is fun… (we all laughed)
The girl: Okay… I have to go back to my table now.
she walks round our table then drops a note in my pocket and whispered into my ear “call me”.
We all watched her as she catwalks her way back to her table. We were all quite for awhile. I bought out the note, it’s only a phone number that’s on it and I handed it over to Kikelomo.
Bidemi: that girl needs to be taught a lesson.
Me: (her mood has changed) Bidemi just let it off jare.
Kikelomo: na all those runs girl… leave am jare…. she’s not worth it
Bidemi: who do she thinks she is? A guy with two girls in a fast food. And she still has the gut to…..
Me: (cuts her off) Bidemi relax…. not as if I’m going to call her. You can have the number if you want to.
Kikelomo: (tears the paper) you see… all is well now. Let’s continue with our selfie.
Kikelomo and I was busy checking our pix when we heard Bidemi’s voice from afar. She is now seating with the girl and the guy on their table (guy is back now).
Bidemi: hello
The guy: hi… what can we do for you?
Bidemi: Nothing much…. I have been looking at you for awhile. I think I like you. can I please have your number? I really want to know you.
The guy: (amused) why do you think I will want to do that? I’m with my girlfriend you know (pointing at her).
Bidemi: Okay…. then let me give you mine…. at least you can call me whenever she’s not with you (bad eyeing her).
The guy: (now angry) please stop all these… I’m not interested in being your friend. Don’t you have respect for women like yourself? It’s sl*t like you that makes people talks ungodly things about women.
Bidemi: (now angry) how dare you call me a sl*t? If anybody is a sl*t: then it’s this bit*h sitting right here (pointing at her).
Before we could move from our table to calm things down … the guy has already slapped Bidemi.
This really got me infuriated.
Me: how dare you slap a woman?
The guy: how dare she call my girlfriend a sl*t and a bit*h in a sentence
Me: is she not a sl…..
Before I could finished my statement. The guy attempted to slap me and I blocked it then gave him the beating of his life. I punched him in the eye and he kept shouting “my eye my eye” (who cares). I lifted him up, later to slam him on the floor.
I continued panel beating his body with my punches (blow). Left, right and centre.. I’m very sure if it were to be a wrestling match; it would have been counted as KO (knock out).
The girl wanted to run away but Bidemi held her with her belt like the way policemen used to arrest criminals.
It took 5mins before KFC security men could separate us but I had already succeeded in adding more flesh to his right eye and mouth (both swollen)
The manager came out and we explained everything to him. He blamed the two girls involved. He settled it. He said he’s not involving the police because we dint spoil anything. We apologised to ourselves and I insisted on taking him to the chemist for treatment.
I paid N1500 to the chemist and I left both of them to sort out themselves.
We were heading straight home without uttering a word when Kikelomo broke the silence.
To Be Continued…
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